Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dear Satan,

I’m a very competitive person.  I really can not stand losing.  So, why would I tolerate losing this battle I face every day of my life against Satan?  In my New Testament class, my professor, Brother Griffin, told us, somewhat jocosely, that “Satan hates our stinking guts… and he doesn’t have any.”  Of course Satan hates our guts.  We have everything he has ever dreamed of having, yet knows he never ever will have.  We should expect that he will want to make us absolutely miserable.  It makes sense that he does not want us to enjoy the very things that we are on this earth to find great joy in.  This just makes me that much more determined to win this battle.  There is a reason that the Gospel is based off of this incredible thing called the Plan of Happiness.  Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be happy.  I think back to one of the talks from the most recent General Conference, which spoke on bringing inactive members back to church.  The speaker stated that these fallen away members had simply lost the joy of the Gospel and we needed to help them once again find that light.  The Gospel, even by the very definition of the word, is just that – it is good news, that we ought to shout out to all of the world, so that they too can be filled with the joy of the Gospel.  We are so incredibly blessed, my friends!! We have bodies that function and do incredible things! We live in a beautiful world, on which every creature, landmark, and moment bears testimony of the omnipotent and perfect God that created it! Make a joyful noise, and be grateful for what you have. And go ahead; rub it in Satan’s face.  That’s right, Satan: we have a body, and you never will.  We are striving to one day see again the smiling face of our older brother and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and never be separated from Him ever again. Satan, I am a blessed, strong, loved, child of God, and I will not be beaten by you. 

Most sincerely,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

He is everywhere!

Walking home from my last class today, I was thinking about how stressed I was last semester, yet how much I'm looking forward to this semester.  Already it's just so different than last semester.  I'm working at a new place of the Cougareat, making pizza and sushi -- so fun! I'm actually super interested in all of the classes I'm taking! And, I've joined the Women's Cougar Rugby team (learn about us here!), a sport I'm growing to love, and it feels so incredible to once again be a part of a team and to be able to compete. But, I think the biggest change this semester is going to be something that has to do with a painting my dear roommate, Emily, hung in our living room last night...


This image of Christ, called "The Good Shepherd," stands as a constant reminder to me that Christ is everywhere.  Despite our crazy schedules, Jill and I are working hard to go to the temple every week, something I know will bless me so much.  I love finding Christ's hand in my every day life as I count my blessings and reflect on the things I know I would not have been able to do without His strength.  I'm so grateful for my big brother.  He truly is everywhere.  He's even in my living room.  And I plan to keep Him there.