Monday, September 13, 2010

Purpose of Journalism

Ask me what I’m afraid of and I’ll tell you, with a slight blush in my cheeks, that I’m afraid of the dark. I’ll do whatever it takes to get out of the dark – turn on lights, seek out a flashlight, wait for sunlight, and so forth. Likewise, I think it is fair to say that no one likes to be in the dark. This is a large factor as to why journalism is so important for a well-functioning society.

As a group in my journalism class puts it, without journalism, you are in the dark, and when you are in the dark, you can be taken advantage of. In a country in which citizens are permitted and even expected to be free-governing, it is crucial to be well informed. The key purpose of journalism is to inform society of what they need to know to be free and self-governing. I particularly appreciate how this article highlights the purpose of journalism and how journalists should handle their job:

Look around you. The world is constantly changing, and we are all a part of this change. In order to find success and make proper decisions, we must be educated, and journalism places this education into the palms of our hands.


  1. If you don't look under the bed, you'll never know if there really is a monster hiding under it.

  2. I like your analogy of being in the dark. I also liked how group number one mentioned that the first thing government does to overthrow the people is to take away the freedom of the press. A problem in our own country is that few people know congressman, we have low voting statistics, and few read the newspaper. I thought this website was interesting it shows statistics about low-voter turnout.

  3. So journalists are flashlights and sunshine? I can go with that.
